Saturday, August 31, 2019

Speech Analysis

The speech was a very fascinating one. A very innovative one, that actually brings up a desire to do something, be something, and give this world something that we have never thought of. The initial part of the speech actually makes the students realize how important each one of them is, not only as a person but also emphasizes on the fact that the ideas each student possess actually mean something. The later part then deals with how to carry the ideas forward rather than ignoring them. How to help this world change just with the help of your ideas?The talent, the skills that each student carries, need not be wasted rather polished in a way so as to bring up something productive for the enhancement of the nation/world. Architecture is not only about keeping the dreams; rather it is to think over the practical implementation of the dreams. The practical implementation undoubtedly cannot be done as an individualist. Hence, to see our dreams having a physical existence, it is necessary to share the ideas, which would certainly make them better and powerful.But unfortunately what we lack in this present era, is the communication, the way of spreading the ideas is simply awful and not understandable to the audience. Therefore, what is important is not only to have the ideas rather to have a powerful skill to make people understand and interpret your ideas in order to generate something productive out of it. Hence it is very important to learn how to share ideas/dreams in a way that truly reveals excitement and passion and possibility behind them.Today, the advancement has made things so much better and easier, than how they were a few years back. The technology today has made it easier to develop something very innovative and new in the construction field. Point is, we need to set up our targets. We need to set up our goals and we need to determine our own definition of success. Success for us shall not be the matter of being the owner of two cars or something, rath er aim high of giving something to this world that they are going to remember forever.Perceive things in a new direction. Develop things in a new way. Change the living environments, bring up something more challenging. Design the cities that are more interactive than ever. Make the lives easier, by introducing concepts never introduced before. In a nut shell, Learning shall never ever stop. Pursue discipline, generosity, and knowledge. For these three things might sound outdated, but even today, they mean everything in the formation of one’s personality. Develop a personality that people would actually want to listen to.And if you pursue these three, then no doubt, you will not have to run after your dreams, rather your dreams will run after you. And that is how you are going to help shape a better future for the mankind. It was no doubt a highly motivating speech, that would definitely rise an urge to do something productive and memorable, in order to be remembered. Your ta lent is what you call imagination, invention or innovation. Therefore, there is a dire need to look out for the ways to establish your personality in such a way that would help you see the physical existence of all that you have in your mind.

3m Case: Business Strategies over Its History Essay

1. Describe the organizational structures and devices 3M uses to encourage entrepreneurial activity. Why do they work? 3M heavily based its business on innovation and while doing this it always supported its employees in terms of being innovative. 3M also always followed the alternative ways in order to increase their profit and market share, and they found that one of the best ways is through organizational innovation. Therefore, in order to improve their business 3M developed 6 different strategies over its history. These strategies helped 3M to promote entrepreneurship and increase customer satisfaction within the market. First strategy of 3M’s was getting close to customers and understanding their needs.3M started their businesses by selling sandpaper and the only way they could generate sales was by getting close to the customers and demonstrating their products for them. This helped them to understand customer’s needs better based on the feedbacks they get from demonstrating their products to this selected group of customers. Afterwards, as a second strategy they tried to seek out niche markets no matter how small they are. Following the success of the first strategy, 3M found that if they offered customers what they wanted, these customers will be loyal to their company. Thus they developed the second strategy to seek niche markets no matter how small, as this will allow them for charge premium prices for their products. Then they included product diversification as the third strategy. By being close to the customers, 3M identified problems that they can solve for their customers through technical expertise. This was efficient as it ensure that they continued to diversify their product offerings by developing new products to solve new or unattended customer needs. Once 3M found a new product to offer in their niche market they would move on to develop related products and thus occupy leadership positions in these markets. As the fourth strategy, they gave importance to the product development and innovation through research. This strategy was developed in line with the third strategy which was encouraging diversification. If 3M where to constantly diversify their product and service offering, the company understood that a support to its system is needed along with improved innovation and new product development to ensure that the company continues in line with their business model. As it is very important in any kind of developing business and as by time 3M gained a good place in market, they decided to get knowledge sharing strategy as the fifth one. This became official with the establishment of the technical forum in 1950s, with the aim of sharing knowledge within the company. This forum comprised of technical council and directors that held annual shows to encourage knowledge sharing in 3M. And lastly, as the sixth strategy they decided to adopt encourage achievement through a rewarding system. This strategy was adopting an employee appraisal scheme that was encouraging achievement by rewarding employees who generated successful business ideas. Employees that successful innovate new products are promoted to be the managers of that product division, this ensured that other staff members are motivated to work harder and discover new product innovation as they seek to one day become managers of their developed product lines. 2. How does 3M distinguish between incremental and fundamental innovations? 3M established a new product development central research laboratory in 1940 in other to distinguish between fundamental and incremental innovation. This approach helped the company to explore the feasibility of new products or technologies that were not related to existing ones. Incremental innovation means innovation made based on existing products and technologies while fundamental innovations are those that are not related to existing products or technologies. In the 1980s, two separate laboratories were developed in order to identify the long term and the short term researches. Short term researches were more of incremental innovation that were designed to respond to industrial and consumer needs, life science, electronics and information technologies and graphic technologies with a life span of 1-5 years. However the corporate lab was designed for fundamental innovations with researches of over 10 years. 3. Describe, as best you can from the case, the culture of the organisation. What does this depend upon? 3M based its success on entrepreneurship fundamentals and innovation. Innovation was encouraged originally in an informal way by the founders, but was later formalized over a century into an organizational culture. The organizational culture is one which encourages innovation, and it has helped 3M to realize success over the years as it was perpetuating itself. Actually this specific culture of 3M’s evolved from the place of origin which was called ‘Minnesota Nice’. It is described as a non-political, low ego, egalitarian and non-hierarchical, hardworking and self-critical. 4. Why has 3M been such a successful innovator for so long? 3M’s success in innovation can be traced back to their employee appraisal. This is because; the organization has found the missing link which numerous organizations tend to overlook when it comes to showing appreciation towards employee’s efforts. 3M is achievement oriented and achievement particularly through research was rewarded through promotion. For instance, successful new product teams were spun off to form a new division in the organization. The leader of the team is often the general manager of the new division and this w as seen as a great motivator. Lesser achievements were also rewarded and failure is not punishable. This increase in 3M employees’ motivation level has been the key to their long term success as their staffs continually give out their best for the organizational success. 5. Can other companies just copy 3M’s structures and culture and become successful innovators also? It is very popular among firms to copy the other firms’ ideas if these other firms are especially profitable. It can be said that if properly copied, organizations that copy 3M’s strategies and culture can be successful innovators as because, 3M’s culture generally employee appraisal and in business psychology. It can be said that the appraisal has been rated high as increasing employee’s motivation level and enhancing organizational success.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Adolescence Sex in Malaysia

Sex was a taboo subject in Malaysian family. The ideal culture of Malaysian especially the Malays is to have their young girls to practice abstinence and to abstain themselves from sex until marriage. Promiscuity and prostitution is often described as mores to the culture. However, globalization has made the society exposed to the outside world and the world is facing the unavoidable global increment in adolescence sex. The subject ‘sex’ itself has become an anomie amongst the youngsters. The highly sexualized world and the physical and psychological changes the adolescents are going through make up the push and pull factors luring the adolescents into sex. The rate at which teenagers are engaging themselves in sexual relationships is increasing at an alarming rate. Whether as an act of rebellion against social and religious norms or even their parents; discovery and exploring of one’s body and sexuality; seeking pleasure for comfort; sexual crimes; sexual activity among young men and women in Malaysia is a fact and part of today’s real culture. The Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health 2003 reported by the National Population and Family Development Board (LPPKN) indicate that 27 percent of adolescents (boys and girl) engaging with the premarital sex. Young men have been found to actively looking for sex workers for their first sex experience and individual as early as nine years old. Most promiscuity and prostitution involved adolescence from 15 to 17 years of age. Nevertheless, adolescents aged 12 to 14 years old also involved in the same activity with the portion of 13. percent (Harlina Halizah Siraj & Noralina Omar, 2007). The most current study, called the National Survey on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights of Women in Malaysia held in 2006, had polled more than 2,000 female youths aged 15 to 24 years across nine states. It was commissioned by the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development Ministry, and carried out by researchers in Universiti Malaya. â€Å"Out of the 2,005 girls surveyed, slightly more than 100 admitted to being sexually active. Of that number, one-fifth said they had sex more than five times a week, and 57 per cent had sex two to four times a week. †(New Straits Times, 2009) The Consequences Sexual relationship to some adolescent is highly â€Å"commoditized† and has no emotional intimacy. Adolescents also involve in homo-sexual and bi-sexual relationships. What is more damaging is that adolescence sex is very often found associated with drugs and alcohol. Sexual crimes and abuses involving adolescent are also reported at very high rate. 63 percent of rape victim and 9. percent of the assailant are adolescents. The rise in adolescence sex also contributed too many unwanted pregnancies, babies dumping and abortions. Reported by one of the shelter homes in Klang Valley, 61. 3 percent of the adolescence sex case resulted in unwanted pregnancies (Harlina Halizah Siraj & Noralina Omar, 2007). These will lead to other crimes such as theft, robbery or even murder due to pressures in live due to povert y and life survival. Moreover, the rate of STDs and STIs (Sexual Transmitted Diseases/Infections) among adolescent are surprisingly increasing. Apart from that, we have also heard about adolescent committing suicide resulting from pregnancies which are not accepted by the family and as a solution to avoid negative social perspective. Despite of all that, there are also good news about precautious knowledge of the mechanics of sex. There are grown in numbers of adolescents who know how to protect themselves, at least physically, from sexual criminals and rapist. The level of awareness is also increasing in terms of protecting themselves from STDs and unwanted pregnancies. Even if they have had sex, many adolescents are learning to put off having more till later; they are also making condom use during intercourse nonnegotiable. The rate of incest also decline also due to this awareness and the ability to protect themselves. Who to blame? When adolescences are exposed to the western culture where pre-marital sex is a norm via the media, it is easy enough to blame everything on media; television and entertainment, even the news. Adolescent heard about the politician sex-scandals on the news and argues about the example that the eaders have shown. For better or for worse, sex-filled television helps shape young opinion. Kids are picking up the first details of sex even in Saturday-morning cartoons. Not to mention the content of the TV through advertisements like Durex and perfumes displaying erotic positions and pictures, and also TV series, such as Gossip Girl, 90201 Beverly Hills, and The O. C. which have large amount of sexual approach and sadly these series targeted-audiences are the adolescents. To add insult to the injury, adolescents lip-synched often enough to big hit songs which have the sex nestled in the lyric. The cyber-world not only provides an easy source of sexually explicit materials but also allows curious adolescence minds to interact and exchange ideas. The internet made it so easy that the adolescents just have to Google ‘sex’ or ‘free porn’, and they can find tons of information to sex. The print-media is not excluded in being blamed for putting contents in their magazine with headlines like â€Å"How to Satisfy Your Man in Bed† or â€Å"Condom or no Condom†. In May 2004 the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development jointly formed a committee as a springboard for the long-awaited implementation of sex education in schools. And finally in May 2005, a press release stated that the sex education module was almost ready and due to be discussed in Cabinet. But until today, we have not heard back from the government or Cabinet regarding the discussion. Government should see this as a big social issue which involves morality development of the citizen. Government participation in overcoming this issue will somehow will decrease the rate of sexual crimes. Three powerful sources have shaped today’s child prodigies: a prosperous information age that increasingly promotes products and entertains audiences by titillation; aggressive public-policy initiatives that loudly preach sexual responsibility, further desensitizing kids to the subject; and the decline of two-parent households, which leave the adolescents with little supervision. With little guidance from grownups, adolescents have had to discover for themselves that the ubiquitous sexual messages must be tempered with caution and responsibility. Traditionally, it’s been the role of parents to convey the messages about love and intimacy that kids seem to be missing in their education about sex. For years, psychologists and sociologists have warned about a new generation gap, one created not so much by different morals and social outlook as by career-driven parents, the economic necessity of two incomes leaving parent little time for talks with their children. These adolescents think that their parents are the most accurate source of information and would like to talk to them more about sex and sexual ethics but can’t get their attention long enough. Plus with the rate of divorce that is increasing day by day, adolescent’s thinks of that it is such a hassle getting married, alternatively practice sex before marriage. Of all the mixed messages that teenagers absorb, the most confused have to do with gender roles. The stereotypes of male and female behavior have crumbled so quickly over the past generation that parents are at a loss. According to the TIME/CNN poll, 60% of parents tell their daughters to remain chaste until marriage, but less than half tell their sons the same thing. Kids reflect the double standard: more than two-thirds agree that a boy who has sex sees his reputation enhanced, while a girl who has sex watches hers suffer. † (TIME Magazine, 1993). Adolescents usually have sex out of curiosity of peer pres sure – and the internet makes it easy to do so. By the time many kids hit adolescence, they have already reached a point where they are not particularly obsessed with sex but have grown to accept the notion that solid courtships, or at least strong physical attraction – potentially lead to sexual intercourse. While exploration and experimentation are a natural part of the development, someone usually older, will somehow unintentionally or intentionally encouraging adolescent to become interested in sex. As an example to that, adolescent learn from the media which exposed ‘sex-stimulants’ contents such as promiscuous celebrities, suggestive television programs and sex advertisements, and it seems to be coming down to younger and younger girls who feel that if they don’t pair up with up with the culture, they will have no position in their lives. And that will pressure them into sexual activity. They will also physically trying to imitate the look of celebrities and adults in choosing what to wear and live their life styles. Nowadays, it is increasingly common for sexuality precocious youngsters to come from very loving and stable family. The concept of ideal family is being able to accommodate all the wants and needs that the adolescent need. These reflect the id and ego in the adolescent personality. When id and ego has been fulfilled, then the super-ego in young minds will drive them into the culture of free life style which would lead to sex. In conclusion, all these agents of socializations involved in contributing the rise in number of our young people to involve in adolescence sex. The power of overcoming this problem also lies within their hands. Sex Education In facing the fact that our young people are having their first sexual experience at very young age and have a shallow understanding of STDs and contraceptives, we have to consider applying sex education into part of educating adolescent. Sex education is not only about the mechanics of sex but also learning how to respect our bodies and one another. It need not encourage promiscuity, but properly taught can encourage abstinence till marriage. Age-appropriate science based education should be taught to young kids. If sex education is going to be effective it needs to include opportunities for young people to develop skills, as it can be hard for them to act the basis of only having information. Starting from the primary group, adolescents can easily have one-to-one discussions with their parents or careers which focus on specific issues, questions or concerns at home. Sex education at home also tends to take place over a long time, and involve lots of short interactions between parents and children. In school, the interaction between the teacher and students takes a different form and it is often provided in organized blocks of lessons. School programs which involve parents, notifying them what is being taught and when, can support the initiation of dialog at home. Sex education also can be incorporated into other subjects taught to the students such as moral studies, Islamic Studies, Health Studies, Science and Biology. The involvement of adolescents themselves in developing and providing sex education has increased as a means of ensuring the relevance and accessibility of provision. For example, Raymas Quah led 250 students from five secondary schools, during the Youth Abstinence Walk at Millennium Park in SS2 in 2007. The students first attended a four-hour abstinence workshop in their schools, developed by Focus on the Family Malaysia (FOFM). The non-governmental organization was originally set up in the United States in 1977 to restore values to the family unit. (The New Straits Times Press, 2007) Consultation with adolescents at the point when programs are designed, helps to ensure that they model attitudes and behaviors to their peers.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Cache coherence Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Cache coherence - Term Paper Example The problem of cache coherence in hardware is reduced in today’s microprocessors through the implementation of various cache coherence protocols. This article reviews literature on cache coherence with particular attention to cache coherence problem, and the protocols-both hardware and software that have been proposed to solve it. Most importantly, it identifies a specific problem associated with cache coherence and proposes a novel solution. Keywords: microprocessor, latency, cache coherence, bandwidth, multiprocessor, cache coherence protocol, shared memory, multicore processor I. Introduction Currently, there is undeniable interest in the computer architecture domain with regard to shared-memory multiprocessors. Often, proposed multiprocessor designs include a reserved cache for each processor within the system. This, in turn, results in the cache coherence problem (Cheng, Carter, & Dai, 2007). This situation, in which several caches are allowed to have simultaneous copies of a certain memory location, requires that a certain memory location be in place. This is to make sure that when the contents of that particular memory location are changed, there needs to be a mechanism that ensures all copies remain unchanged. Consequently, some systems employ a software mechanism to ensure multiple copies do not occur. This it achieved by labeling shared blocks so that they are not cached (Chang & Sohi, 2006). Additionally, task data in all caches are prohibited or restricted from migration. Alternatively, all blocks may be allowed to be cached by all processors and to depend on a cache coherence protocol to be responsible of ensuring that there is consistency. Various such protocols have been proposed, designed and/or described with some ideal for shared-bus and others specifically suitable for a general-purpose interconnection network. There is a substantial difference between shared-bus protocols and general network protocols. Firstly, share-bus protocols dep end on every cache controller monitoring the bus transactions of all the other processors within the system and take appropriate action to ensure consistency is maintained. Secondly, each block’s state within the system is encoded in a distributed manner among all other cache controllers. As such, the cache controllers are able to monitor the traffic of the bus for the purposes of coherence; these are referred to as snooping cache controllers (Kurian et al., 2010). Recently, many studies and researches have been conducted and have mainly focused on shared-memory multiprocessors. They are common mainly because of their simple programming model, which means that they are simple to implement. Normally, address space is shared among all multiprocessors. This enables them to communicate to one another via a solitary address space. As had been earlier noted, a system with cache coherence results in the event that there is same cache block within multiple caches (Stenstrom, 1990). W hen such a scenario occurs, it does not affect the read process; however, in the event that a processor, for writes, writes to a single location, the resulting change must be updated to all caches. Therefore, cache coherence, according to (Archibald & Baer, 1986), refers to all caches having consistence data in the event of data write.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Student Investment Management Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Student Investment Management Report - Essay Example The firm sells its products to over 175 countries which gives it a very, wide, firm market share. The firm’s objective is to make use of electrical, mechanical and hydraulic power more efficient, reliable and sustainable. The sectors the company deals in include; Aerospace, hydraulics, filtration and vehicle. Eaton’s 2013 revenue was $ 22 billion. Eaton’s business segments include; Aerospace, hydraulics, vehicle and sale of electrical products. Sale of electrical products accounts for the largest revenues followed by vehicles. The Aerospace segment is a leading supplier of aerospace fuel, hydraulic and pneumatic systems for commercial and military use. Products produced in the aerospace segment include; motors, pumps and hydraulic power units. The hydraulics segment is a leader in hydraulics components, systems and services for industrial and mobile equipment. The hydraulic segment made 15% of its sale in 2013 to 4 large distributors of electrical products and electrical systems and services. The vehicle and automotive segment is a leading supplier of powertrains and drivetrain systems for fuel economy, efficient performance and safety of commercial vehicles. Components supplied in hydraulic systems include; valves, cylinders and electronic controls. The electrical products and electrical systems and services accounts for the highest revenues for the company. Eaton has a competitive position in this segment. The firm’s competitive advantage includes its leading in aerospace energy efficient systems. Eaton’s hybrid electric power train combine a diesel engine and electric motor to drive the vehicle which is unique and gives the product a competitive advantage. Also Eaton’s diversification into aerospace, automobile, hydraulics and electrical businesses have also reduced the business risk of the company. Eaton has also made a number of acquisitions which have increased the firm’s competitive edge. Eaton acquired Westinghouse

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Questions - Essay Example Some of these which the Company could possibly use are (a) CPBI – Counter Productive Behavior Index – a tool for assessing candidate honesty and integrity (b) SELECT Associate System – a tool that gauges a candidate’s attitude towards honesty, integrity, dependability and honesty as well as the potential for aggressive behavior and (c) First View job fir indicator, which is a personality and cognitive screening tool ( 2. My Company currently makes its hiring selections on the basis of online applications, which are then screened using background checks on identity, education and work history. After this initial process of screening, the Company then selects a list of potential candidates for the interview process, which is the basis for an offer of employment. However, I feel that this process should be refined and the candidates should be made to take additional personality and integrity tests like the ones identified above, so that a good assessment can be made about how likely they are to be employees of integrity and honesty. The nature of current background checks are very preliminary and may not be adequate to identify potentially defrauding employees who could be a liability to the Company. 3. The reason for the sparse use of tuition reimbursement plans is the fact that in most organizations, tuition reimbursement plans are just bundled in with other administrative costs and no one is really responsible for them. Moreover, in most cases, the kind of degrees available under such plans are degrees at community colleges, with those who avail of it being disappointed when their Companies do not immediately recognize their new degrees in the form of promotions, etc. As a result, they are not frequently used. 4. After working as a team member, being promoted as Manager is hard because the team members are not used to viewing their peer in a superior capacity and therefore it may be difficult for the new Commander to

Monday, August 26, 2019

Information system development Blog Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Information system development Blog - Essay Example Converse to the past technologies it is infrastructural based. Web 3.0 will add more value to users since the technology will be with human capabilities of accurately and precisely determining information required, translating to more relevant information. There will be a changeover towards metacomputing. This is expected to be brought up by the envisioned web 4.0 (2020) through Webos and internet operating software applications. These applications will enhance distributive search and use of intelligent personal agents. In addition it will lead to efficient utilization of computers connected by a network (Prabhu.8) The experience of surfing over the internet will be more efficient and effective. This will be attributable to the development of natural user interface (NUI). These will increase internet users satisfaction efficiently. Moreover, advancement of Smartphone which have more functionality in regard to internet will enhance mobile computing. It is highly likely that the next wave in computer interfaces will be envisioned in the speech technology. This will involve a process whereby the computer will have the capacity to transform sound speech to text. Moreover, when the speech-output technology whereby this will invigorate the blogging arena whereby, blog users will not be typing in response rather they will be talk blogging. Furthermore, photo-sharing sites and social sites will incorporate speech technology and video chats (Chen 324). Interactive systems have enhanced online markets. Through interactive systems, business people have had a chance to advertise their products and services where customers get a chance to view them and organize a purchase. In future there is a possibility that physical markets will be eliminated and e-bay (online markets) will be the talk of the day. People will no longer have to visit show rooms or avail themselves to service

Sunday, August 25, 2019

William Faulkner's A Rose for Emily Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

William Faulkner's A Rose for Emily - Essay Example Although the story begins with Emily's death, enough information is given to track the course of her life. As a young teenager, she lived with a very strict father, who chased away all her boyfriends. When he died, Emily was already past 30 and still single, meaning he was all she had. She didn't want to release his body for burial, but the town forced her to and she went into depression for a long time. What brought her out of the depression was meeting and dating a Northerner, Homer Barron, who was a manager of a work crew installing sidewalks. The town didn't approve of the match, because he was far below Miss Emily's social status, and they tried to break up the couple. Emily bought a large amount of arsenic this time and would not explain what she needed it for, but the town decided to believe it was for rats. Since they couldn't break up the couple, the town wrote to Miss Emily's cousins who came for a visit, effectively chasing Homer away. When the cousins left, Homer returned at least once, but the town thought he and Emily must have had a fight because they never saw Homer again. She refused to pay her property taxes and she ignored the town's complaints about a bad odor that was coming from the house for a while, but apart from town girls whom she taught china painting, no one was ever invited in. After Miss Emily died, the town discovered Homer's body in an upstairs bedroom, lying on a bed with one of Miss Emily's grey hairs on the pillow beside it. Part 2: Setting, Atmosphere, Pattern/Structure, Point of View The setting of the story is an old crumbling mansion in the South, making the story officially a Southern gothic. Miss Emily's house was once a very fine house in a very respectable part of town, but the neighborhood and the house have deteriorated over the years and the town around it has continued to grow and change. Because of the change between the vibrant town and the crumbling mansion, the atmosphere of the story becomes eerie. There is a strong sense of strangeness as the younger generation attempts to understand the factors that influenced Miss Emily's life and her passionate adherence to the past. This atmosphere is created through constant references to the strange, old, and deteriorating elements, and the puzzled reactions of townspeople as they attempt to deal with Miss Emily. Although there is a clear story told that traces Miss Emily's life, it is not told in chronological order or even reverse chronological order. Instead, the story jumps back and forth in time, starting with Emily's death, then scrolling back to a time about 10 years earlier when Miss Emily refused to pay her taxes. This leads to recollections among the town members of another time when Miss Emily confounded the town elders to do something about the terrible smell coming from her house, but the town pitied her because she had just been jilted by the only man she had ever dated. This causes reflection to move even further back to the reason why Emily is still single and further puzzlement as to why Emily wouldn't allow the town to take away his body after her father died. Another memory is triggered, jumping forward again, to a time when Miss Emily bought a large amount of arsenic, and then moves back to talk about Miss Emily's dating Homer Barron and his disappearance with the arrival of Miss Emily's cousins (after the townspeople wrote to them about the unsuitable match). Finally, it jumps back to Miss Emily's death and the discoveries that took place after her funeral. This structure is meaningful to the work, because it contributes to the sense of strangeness and it reflects the town's shock as they slowly begin to piece the evidence together of what must have happened. The narrator of the story is

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Direct and marketing communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Direct and marketing communication - Essay Example Anthony Menswear preserves a comfortable shopping environment for customers so that it can provide contentment to customers (Anthony Menswear, â€Å"Anthony Independent Menswear – Cambridge UK†). The apparel industry in the UK is highly competitive with several big players, and it is vital for Anthony Menswear to revise the marketing system in order to increase the customer base. Managing good relationship is one of the success factors for Anthony Menswear to sustain in this competitive business environment. Therefore, the paper will attempt to establish and implement marketing communication plan for Anthony Menswear so that it can improve the direct relationship with the customers. Further, the paper will also focus on the importance of Dynamic Customer Relationship Management (DCRM) theory and apply the AIMRITE and SOSTAC framework to evaluate the choices. Dynamic Customer Relationship Management (DCRM) Theory Nowadays, effective customer relationship management (CRM) has become a strategic imperative for organizations in all business sectors, especially in retail apparel industry. In order to generate more value for the brands and for the customers, organizations are attempting to maintain a close relationships with the customers and thus using huge amount of money in CRM activities. Anthony Menswear will gain effectiveness if it focuses exclusively on attaining more customers rather than obtaining higher market share. The major aspect for enhancing customer relationship in Anthony Menswear is through developing information sharing, creating faith and pledge between relationship participants (Park & Kim, â€Å"A Framework Of Dynamic CRM: Linking Marketing With Information Strategy†). In Dynamic CRM, organizations not only focus on company’s and customers’ profits but also concentrate on relationships for future advantages. Customers should be measured as an investment and an asset for organizations. CRM has emerged as one o f the crucial marketing activities for companies functioning in dynamic commercial atmosphere. CRM can be regarded as an inclusive tactic and procedure of obtaining, retaining and associating with worthy customers in order to develop bigger value for the organization as well as the brand. In present days, CRM has developed as a method of preserving positive and commercial relations. Customer Touch Points: The touch point is considered as the point of interaction among the customers or the vision of organizations’ business. In apparel industry, touch is vital aspect for wooing customers. According to the observation of Stine & Et. Al., touch point is the â€Å"point at which products are purchased† (Singh & Lamba, â€Å"Maintaining CRM in Apparel Retailing through Touch Points: A Factor Analysis Approach†). It comprises of television advertisements and word-of-mouth among others. In Anthony Menswear, the major touch points are products and information sources. An thony Menswear provides quality and ranges of products to the customers; therefore the organization needs to develop the information management system. Presently, several customers are influenced by modern kinds of information sources such as internet, social networking, and television advert

Friday, August 23, 2019

Motivational Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Motivational Strategies - Essay Example A significant segment of human motivation appears below the surface where it is not always evident to the individual. Therefore, very often, only a small portion of our motivation is clearly visible or conscious to oneself. This is also due to a lack of effort by individuals to gain self – insight. The various theories of work motivation can be used effectively. The basic assumption is that work motivation can be developed in the organizational context. The interaction between the individual and the organisation contributes to the development of work motivation. This interaction takes place through the role. The roles people occupy in the organization may form convenient units of working on problems of motivation. An analysis of role and its contribution to the development of motivation in the organization may be useful to plan intervention strategies. The most important factors are the motivational climate of the organization and the role interactional patterns. The management must ask itself questions about the type of motivational climate prevalent there. For this, it is necessary to identify the reinforcing mechanisms and the process of goal setting. For example, does the organization use the system of rewarding good performance? or does it use the system of punishing bad performance? The positive or negative the reinforcing mechanisms will determine the motivational climate in the organization. Also, the relevant question is what is being rewarded or punished? If achievement is rewarded in one organization, the climate will be conductive to efficiency, whereas in an organization where dependency and conformity are rewarded, the climate will be more power-oriented and will encourage the formation of cliques. Similarly, attention should be paid to the strategies of goal-setting. How and at what level are goal set? Are goals set by people at the top and communicated